Thursday, December 9, 2010

Kailyn has arrived!!!

Our baby girl, Kailyn Nicole, has finally made her appearance into the world! I had Brian take notes on her birth as we went along because I was afraid I would forget. Here's how the big day/days came along!

Monday night we went in to the hospital to get checked because I had been having contractions that were ranging from 5 to 7 minutes apart. I knew that they wouldn't admit me, but I wanted to be checked to see if I had made any progress from my zero cm and 0% effaced status that I had been at. She said she'd give me a finger tip, but I wasn't a full 1 cm yet and maybe 50% effaced. I was happy to be progressing towards SOMETHING!!

Monday night was hard for me to sleep. My contractions continued to be 5 to 10 minutes apart. I didn't get much sleep at all. The next morning I had a Non Stress Test the results came back normal. Baby was doing great. She didn't check me because I had just been checked the night before. That night (Tuesday) when Brian got home, we ate dinner and then I thought we should go back to the hospital because the contractions were more intense and were getting closer to 3 to 4 minutes apart. So he gathered up the bags while I jumped in the shower (hoping it was my last shower at home for a while!)

Got to the labor and delivery to be checked, and we had a nurse that wasn't the happiest to be there. She seemed annoyed that we were there and she said that I wouldn't be admitted unless I was 5 cm dilated or more because they were so busy!! I was thinking...well lady, I can't really check for myself if I'm 5 cm or not so that's why we're here!! My contractions were pretty consistent at 3 1/2 mins apart and I was 4 cm dilated and 60% effaced! I was so happy!!! Then the doc came in and told me that they would be admitting me because I was scheduled to come back that next morning for an induction.

At 11:25 PM that night I received my epidural. The anesthesiologist was coming in from Manhattan that night and if I wanted to have one, I needed to do so right then before he left. Otherwise I would have to wait until 7 or 8 that next morning when the military doc arrived to work. I opted for the epidural because I hadn't had any sleep in over 48 hours and the contractions were really intense so I knew I wouldn't be getting any sleep that night either! An hour later I was checked and I was at 6 cm and 90% effaced. The doc decided to break my water.

An hour later I was checked and I was still at 6 cm so they started my pitocin. At 1:40 AM they upped my pitocin a little bit and I got to 7 cm and 100%. They backed off the pitocin at 3:05, I was 8-9 cm. At 4:50 AM I was 10 cm and ready to go! The epidural was wearing off, which was what I wanted. I was able to have full control of my lower body, I was even able to turn around on the bed and get on my hands and knees to try to get her out! I pushed until 7:00, making very little progress. The nurse also noticed at this time that Kailyn had a bowel movement and there was meconium surrounding her. I tried to rest for an hour, but the pain was unbearable. So at 8:00 AM, the new anesthesiologist came in and gave me some more medicine to help with the pain.

The doc thought that Kailyn was maybe facing the wrong direction so they had me lay in different positions to try to get her to turn around. At this point her head was really swollen so it was hard for them to tell which way she was facing. At 9:45 AM I tried pushing again, only to stop at 11:35 because again, she was not budging!! Then we waited for what felt like an eternity for the doctor to come in and evaluate me.

At 12:05 PM he showed up with another doc, 2 nurses and an intern. They were all surrounding me encouraging me to push a little more. The doc wanted to see if he could possibly assist in the delivery with a vacuum. But, I had nothing left in me and he couldn't pull her out himself. At 12:30 we decided that a c-section would be the best option. Her heart rate wasn't looking as good as it had been and she had been surrounded with the meconium for quite some time now. 45 minutes later, our gorgeous baby girl was delivered! She didn't cry for quite some time and they didn't show her to me right away either. They were working on getting all of the meconium out of her system. I finally heard her cry and I was able to see her. She was BEAUTIFUL!! Just perfect!

They took her away and Brian was able to follow her while they worked on stitching me back up. When I got back to the room she was in there and so was our family. I was finally able to hold my precious angel. She was SOOOOOOOOO worth everything that I had gone through!

Kailyn Nicole Stoltenberg
Born: December 1st at 1:14 PM
Weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 inches long

Brian and I are so blessed! We can't stop staring at our healthy and beautiful baby girl!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm Ready!!

I'm officially over being pregnant! Things are getting more and more uncomfortable for me, especially sleeping! Yesterday I tried "walking" her out. I did 2 miles on the treadmill in 31 minutes! I'm feeling that one this morning. School starts back up tomorrow, I could really surprise all of my classmates and professors if I went and I was still pregnant! They didn't even think I'd make it to Thanksgiving break! Now I'm going to make it THROUGH the week long break! I don't know how Brian and I's mothers did it. Brian and I were both 4-5 weeks overdue. Guess I could make it through the semester if the hospital would let me go that far past my due date! But it looks like I'm going in Tuesday night to start the induction process. I really hope she comes on her own before then!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

40 Weeks and 4 Days!! No end in sight!

I'm now 4 days past my estimated due date, but I'm still feeling fairly comfortable. Sleeping at night is becoming much harder though. When I wake up, I don't feel well rested even though I've been in bed for 8-10 hours!! I know it's just my body preparing itself. I'm still at zero cm and no sign of contractions or anything else! My induction date was set for Nov. 30th but I have been bumped back to Dec. 1st now because someone else needed my date/time for a c-section. I never thought I'd be having a December baby! Hopefully she comes on her own before then! I've been trying everything to try to help bring on some contractions, but nothing seems to work. I know she'll come when she's ready, it's just hard playing the waiting game. But I am enjoying some time off from school. I was hoping I could work on some of my projects but we haven't learned everything yet so I'm stuck with what I've gotten done thus far. I hope you all are doing well and we wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Here are a few photos I've taken recently with our new camera. I really like it and I can't wait to take pics of the little one once she finally arrives!

This last picture is me at 40 weeks and 4 days!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Today's the Day!

Well, not exactly! Looks like the little one wants to hang around a little longer before she makes her big debut! I'm really not as disappointed as I thought I might be. I guess it helps that I'm not miserable. I'm looking forward to this weekend alone with Brian. I will savor every moment that she gives us. But I am anxious for her to come as well! I can't wait to see what she looks like and I can't wait to hold her in my arms! Dr.'s are going to induce me November 30th if she's not here by then. I really hope she makes it on her own before that time!! Hopefully the next post you read is one announcing her birth!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Camera!!!

Last night, Brian and I went to Best Buy to look at some of their DSLR cameras. We've been looking for quite some time now, but we finally decided on one! We got a Nikon D3100. At first Brian said that I couldn't play with it until I got all of my homework done...but obviously that didn't happen. I'm still learning, but here are a few pictures with the new camera. I think it'll be great for when the little on arrives. It even can capture HD video! David was the only one that would pose for pictures this morning. But I'm sure you'll see many more photos of our other two creatures that we have wandering around the house!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

15 DAYS (or so) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The end is in sight and it's almost coming TOO fast now! I feel like there's so much to do before she arrives. My hospital bag is sorta packed. I can't pack a lot of things because I still use them on a daily basis. Plus, if everything goes as planned ( that'll happen!) I hope to stay at home for the first parts of labor. You know, take a shower, EAT, etc... So I'm thinking I'll have time to finish the bag packing then. We'll see!!

School is still crazy for me. I have a project due Nov. 10th, 12th and 19th. Along with a midterm exam on the 17th. For my last project that was due I ended up staying up over 36 hours. Spending ALL night in the computer lab with 18 other classmates of mine. It really wasn't fair that they all had coffee and red bulls to keep them awake while I sat there with my water! But, I got it done just in time!

Here are a few pictures of the nursery. The only thing that is missing right now are the letters of her name. They are going above her crib.

Friday, October 22, 2010

28 Days!!!

Holy cow, we only have 28 days left to go (giveor take a few weeks I know!). Ever since I started my classes the time has just flown by. I'm starting to get the feeling that it's going too quickly. I'm so busy, I don't feel like I'm able to really enjoy this part of my life. There are so many wonderful things going on right now, and I don't feel like I'm getting the chance to take them all in. I know that very soon, a little precious girl will be joining our family of 2 (okay 5 if you count the animals)!! We're very anxious for her arrival, but I also want to enjoy these last few weeks with Brian. I know we'll never truly have time to ourselves anymore. Yes, we'll go on date nights alone, while grandparents or friends watch her. But I know that she'll always be on our minds.

I'm not saying this is a bad thing by any's just going to be different. Anyway, these past few weeks have been so busy for me with school. I get home late, or if I come home early I'm stuck on the computer doing homework. Or the nights where I've designated some quality time with Brian he ends up having to stay late at work because one of his soldiers has done something stupid. The past couple instances involve getting picked up for DUI and trying to commit suicide. I really hope that when Brian takes his 10 days off for Daddy Leave he's able to enjoy the time without worrying about what's going on at work.

Right now I'm considering giving my professors a date in which I stop going to classes so I can focus on me and my family. Well, I may still go to class, but maybe I'll let them know that I won't be able to meet all of their deadlines for projects. I don't feel like I'm fully prepared to bring a little one home quite yet. My hospital bag isn't even packed yet!!! Well, that's it for now. Here's a picture of my current belly size at 36 weeks.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Changes When Baby Arrives?

I found this list on the internet ( It's a list of what changes after you have a baby. I know that our little one is not here yet, but I'm looking forward to the moments that are listed below!!!!

1. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.

2. Where you once believed you were fearless, you now find yourself afraid.

3. The sacrifices you thought you made to have a child no longer seem like sacrifices.

4. You respect your body ... finally.

5. You respect your parents and love them in a new way.

6. You find that your baby's pain feels much worse than your own.

7. You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child.

8. You lose touch with the people in your life whom you should have banished years ago.

9. Your heart breaks much more easily.

10. You think of someone else 234,836,178,976 times a day.

11. Every day is a surprise.

12. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you. (Hooray for poop!)

13. You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.

14. You become a morning person.

15. Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.

16. You'd rather buy a plastic tricycle than those shoes that you've been dying to have.

17. You don't mind going to bed at 9 p.m. on Friday night.
( it sad that we pretty much do this already? Okay, maybe it's 10PM but still!!)

18. Your dog — who used to be your 'baby' — becomes just a dog.
(I can't see this happening! I know that Sadie may take a back seat for awhile, but she'll NEVER be "just a dog")

19. You take the time for one more hug and kiss even if it means you'll be late.

20. You realize that you can love a complete stranger.

Just 5 more weeks!!! We're getting so anxious for her arrival! Things are going great, still. Although each day it gets harder and harder to breathe! I'm also getting pain "down there". I think my pelvic bones are starting to spread apart. Ouch!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Umm... Seriously?!?!

Today I went into the parking office on K-State Campus to see if they had any options for me once I get 1-2 weeks from my due date. As of now, I park probably 1/3 of a mile from my classes (that's if I can get into the parking garage). If the parking garage is full I'm closer to 1/2 a mile from my classes. Luckily, all of my classes are in the same building! But I'm already carrying almost 20 extra pounds of my own body weight plus any additional weight that my backpack, lunch, water bottle and purse add!! Not to mention I can hardly breathe right now with the little one compressing on my lungs!!

Anyway, I went in there today to see if I could possibly park in some of the reserved spaces they have RIGHT BY my building or if they knew of a better option for me. There are ALWAYS spaces available in the reserved area! Well the gal that was helping me (or not so much helping me) just looked at me like I was crazy for even asking! She said, "We have no control over where we can have you park. You're in the commuter lot and that's all that is available for you."

I just thanked her and walked out. I wasn't in the mood to try to argue or ask for a manager or anything. Although, I will be calling to speak with a manager later today to see if he gives me the same response. I'm not looking for handouts or anything. And so far, I really haven't tried to pull the whole "pregnancy card". I'm also just looking to see if there's another place for me to park for 1 MAYBE 2 weeks when my due date gets closer! She seriously looked at me like I asked to park in the President's spot for the entire year!!

Update: I tried talking to the manager but the girl on the phone wouldn't transfer me until I told her what my phone call was regarding. In hindsight, I shouldn't have told her! I got the same response as was probably the same girl that I talked to in person!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Picture Update

I've been bad about posting lately. My excuse is: I'm busy with classes. Since my last post I have had two wonderful baby showers. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of them because I didn't take any with my camera. However, my friends and family do have pictures. So once I receive some from them, I will post pictures from the showers.

Below is a picture of Brian putting a locking mechanism on our dropside crib. I purchased a crib through a friend, sight unseen!! Well, it happened to be on a recall list. So I researched it and the company provides a way to prevent the side from coming down. Sadie decided to help Brian out a little! Not sure if she was much help!

Now for the belly pictures! This picture was taken at 30 weeks I believe.

Here's 31 weeks. It was taken right before I went to substitute teach at the high school I taught at last year.

This one is taken at 32 weeks! It looks like I got a lot bigger, but when I wear that tighter purple tank top I always look bigger!

Everything has been going great for us! I have another doctor's appointment on Friday. A few weeks ago I was a little worried about our Little One because she wasn't as active as she normally is. But that didn't last long. She's back to kicking up a storm. Only now it's more just overall movements. I don't think she has much room to wind up and punch me anymore!!

Monday, September 6, 2010


So I've been reading in some of my books and online that I could start feeling hiccups if our little one gets them. Well yesterday, Brian made some awesome Chili Con Carne which was a little spicy. Shortly after dinner I felt a lot of movement! She was going nuts!! Then about 2 hours later I felt very tiny but rhythmic thumps. She had the hiccups for about 10 minutes! Brian wasn't able to feel them very well, but I could definitely tell they were there. It was an awesome feeling!!

Today for lunch we had some more. She went crazy again shortly after lunch but I have not felt the hiccups yet. And can that pregnancy counter be correct at the top of this page!?!?! Only 74 days left to go (give or take a few days I'm sure)!! It's crazy to think that in just over 2 months I'll be holding her! I can't wait to see Brian hold her as well! I've only seen him hold a newborn or even baby for the matter, once! I'm sure she'll melt our hearts instantly!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby Bump Pictures

Here are some pictures at 28 weeks!

Here's my belly from my point of view! Notice you can still kind of see my toes sticking out! But maybe I'm leaning over a bit....I'm not quite sure. :)

We're so anxious to meet this precious little one!

Brian told me that I probably won't be able to wear my regular small sports t-shirts much longer. I think I'm about to show some skin! Oh well...guess I'll go to wearing his shirts! :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Busy Weekend

My brother got married this weekend, so we went home for the wedding. It was great to see my extended family. They got married in an old chapel building at Stuhr Museum. The whole day went great for them and everyone else! This first picture is my Aunts and Uncles on my mom's side. We're missing an aunt and uncle because my cousin had her baby at 3 AM that same day, so needless to say they weren't able to make it to the wedding.

My mom and I waiting for the wedding to start.

My little brother is all grown up. I think he looks a little nervous in this picture. :)

Here comes the bride! My beautiful sister-in-law, Rosalinda!

My dad and I (and a little of the baby bump)!

My grandparents, Nan and Dean and of course my wonderful husband!

Sunday we drove back home to Kansas to meet up with Brian's parents to go fishing on their big boat! It was a great way to spend the last day of my summer. I invited a couple of friends to come out with us and we tubed behind the boat. Don't worry we didn't go very fast when I was out there and I was able to sit up in my tube.

Brian and Katie were able to go faster. We all had so much fun!

Well summer is officially over. I started my graduate classes yesterday. Luckily all of my professors seem to be very understanding that I'll be having a baby at some point in time during the semester. It's going to be interesting to see how this first semester pans out!

Friday, August 6, 2010

O-Day Fun

Thought I'd include this picture of David. He's resting on top of our mattress that we moved out of the guest room. We're finally starting to work on the nursery, those pictures will come shortly.

Today we had Organizational Day on post. They had bouncy houses for the kids, volleyball, face-painting, dunk tank, etc... Well, they had the command team up first for getting pies in the face. Someone offered up $60 to throw a pie in Brian's face...but they gave the opportunity to me!! It was a lot of fun!!!

Here's a picture of Brian and the 1st Sergeant. I think I got him pretty good!! :)

What better way to wash the pie off than a dunk tank!! Here's Brian's first dunk. Maj. Cass (from the physical therapy clinic) was there with his kids and they thought it was really funny that they could dunk Brian in the tank! I thought it was pretty fun as well! ;)

They finished off the day with a game of tug of war. Brian's team won. I just won't mention that they had an advantage of having two more people than the opposing team!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Having Fun Fishing!

My dad and step mom came down this past weekend and we spent our time out on the lake! We rented a pontoon boat and were out all day Saturday and most of Sunday. Here's a picture of the first catch of the weekend!

We had a lot of fun. Didn't catch anything super big, but it was still a fun weekend out on the lake!

We were trying to mimic a picture we saw at the marina. The picture they had at the marina involved a much bigger fish...but this is still really funny!! :)

This was not a catch from this weekend but the weekend before.