Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hello again!

It's been a while since I last posted. I've been very busy with school, my photography and just life with Brian away right now. I'm losing motivation to do my school work. I'm ready to be done. Just a few more months. It's difficult because I just want to do photography, especially when there's no job opportunities around here using my Operations Research degree. I know it'll be worth it in the end. And I'm sure I'll snap out of this feeling of no motivation soon.

The month hasn't been too terrible with Brian gone, it just stinks that I can't even talk to him!! I've had some pretty huge things happen these past few days and I just wish we could talk about it together. I've had to make some decisions on my own involving our house in San Antonio. Luckily I have some wonderful friends and family that I had no problems calling to discuss those scenarios with. Our current renter needs to break the lease early (she's been there almost 2 years) and we had an offer from some new renters that they would like to sign a 2 year lease but wants us to decrease the rent by $45 a month. Anyway, I countered with saving them $20 a month for a 2 year lease and I'm still waiting to hear back. The other thing that I really want to discuss with him is what's going on with my Dad's case right now. I went up to Lincoln this last weekend to meet with family to go over the case. It's hard going through all of this with Brian gone. I find myself laying awake at night a lot just crying and going over things in my head. Just having Brian by my side helps so much, even if it's him snoring in bed next to me. Enough with all of that! Let's talk about Kailyn!

Kailyn is doing great. She's sleeping so well at night for me. I think we're finally through her waking up once at night to nurse. She's been going 10-12 hours straight for almost a month now. It really started once she went to daycare and she decreased the number of nursing sessions each day. She's eating so much more now too so I know she's not hungry in the middle of the night. She's such a happy little girl and she's definitely made this month go by quicker. She picks up new things daily. She still doesn't say too much verbally, but she's signing to me pretty well. We go to the doctor April 2nd to have tubes put in her ears and they're also going to cut the frenulum on her upper lip. It's causing a huge gap on her two top teeth and they might as well take care of it now while she's under getting her tubes put in. I'll leave you with some pictures I took today of her in the shower. Normally she's fine playing in the bathroom while I shower. But the last few times she feels like she needs to be in the shower with me. She LOVES it! She's definitely a water baby!