Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Picture Update

I've been bad about posting lately. My excuse is: I'm busy with classes. Since my last post I have had two wonderful baby showers. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of them because I didn't take any with my camera. However, my friends and family do have pictures. So once I receive some from them, I will post pictures from the showers.

Below is a picture of Brian putting a locking mechanism on our dropside crib. I purchased a crib through a friend, sight unseen!! Well, it happened to be on a recall list. So I researched it and the company provides a way to prevent the side from coming down. Sadie decided to help Brian out a little! Not sure if she was much help!

Now for the belly pictures! This picture was taken at 30 weeks I believe.

Here's 31 weeks. It was taken right before I went to substitute teach at the high school I taught at last year.

This one is taken at 32 weeks! It looks like I got a lot bigger, but when I wear that tighter purple tank top I always look bigger!

Everything has been going great for us! I have another doctor's appointment on Friday. A few weeks ago I was a little worried about our Little One because she wasn't as active as she normally is. But that didn't last long. She's back to kicking up a storm. Only now it's more just overall movements. I don't think she has much room to wind up and punch me anymore!!

Monday, September 6, 2010


So I've been reading in some of my books and online that I could start feeling hiccups if our little one gets them. Well yesterday, Brian made some awesome Chili Con Carne which was a little spicy. Shortly after dinner I felt a lot of movement! She was going nuts!! Then about 2 hours later I felt very tiny but rhythmic thumps. She had the hiccups for about 10 minutes! Brian wasn't able to feel them very well, but I could definitely tell they were there. It was an awesome feeling!!

Today for lunch we had some more. She went crazy again shortly after lunch but I have not felt the hiccups yet. And can that pregnancy counter be correct at the top of this page!?!?! Only 74 days left to go (give or take a few days I'm sure)!! It's crazy to think that in just over 2 months I'll be holding her! I can't wait to see Brian hold her as well! I've only seen him hold a newborn or even baby for the matter, once! I'm sure she'll melt our hearts instantly!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby Bump Pictures

Here are some pictures at 28 weeks!

Here's my belly from my point of view! Notice you can still kind of see my toes sticking out! But maybe I'm leaning over a bit....I'm not quite sure. :)

We're so anxious to meet this precious little one!

Brian told me that I probably won't be able to wear my regular small sports t-shirts much longer. I think I'm about to show some skin! Oh well...guess I'll go to wearing his shirts! :)