Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Then and Now!

I cannot believe how fast Kailyn is growing! She has turned into my happy, chubby cheeked baby girl! I love her more and more every day! She is learning so many new things. Last Friday she finally rolled over from her tummy to her back. A few weeks ago she discovered her feet, so now she's always playing with them. She's also very interested in mommy and daddy eating. She watches us eat so intently. This past weekend it seemed like she was mimicking Brian chewing as he ate a twizzler. Every time he chewed, she did as well. I'm in awe of what she can do. When I look back at pictures from when she was first born, I am amazed at how big she has gotten! Everyone tells you that time will just fly by, but you're never prepared for how fast it really does until you are experiencing it!

Here she is first born.

Here she is at 2 weeks.

And now at 3 1/2 months!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bath Time Fun!

Kailyn has never minded taking a bath, but now she's actually starting to have fun while bathing.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What do you think?

Do you see any resemblance of Kailyn and I? I think she may have my nose, but besides that she's mostly Brian. Brian says she also has my chubby cheeks (he swears he never had cheeks like hers). I had to find a picture of Kailyn where she wasn't smiling because when she smiles it just accentuates her cheeks! :)