Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm Back! This will probably get long. :)

Sorry to be MIA the past month and a half or so.  Life has been so busy, even though I can't say we're doing a whole lot.  I'm just exhausted right now.  I believe everyone that reads this already knows this, but we are expecting another baby to arrive sometime in February! My nausea has been almost as bad as it was while I was pregnant with Kailyn and the exhaustion seems worse this time.  Probably because I'm chasing a toddler around by myself, 24/7! Well technically not 24 hours a day because she sleeps a good 13-14 hours each day.  

My expected due date is February 11th.  This is about two weeks before Brian will be expected home.  We're both hoping they send him home a little early so he does not miss the birth.  Last night I tried getting a photo of some shoes to use as our Facebook announcement.  I want to say something like, "Kailyn is excited to welcome home two loved ones in Febraury".  However, I was unable to get a good shot of just the shoes because a certain little someone kept eyeing them and stealing them before I could get a good angle and a good shot.  See below!

Shoe Thief!

I have been keeping myself busy with photo shoots here and there.  I'm pleased with my progression thus far.  I should post a pic from my first photo shoot and my last one I just had.  I'm never 100% pleased with a shoot, but I think that's a good thing because I'm always finding things I want to improve upon.  Okay so top two photos will be from my first photo shoot and the second two will be from my last one I just had yesterday.

Oh man! A little heavy on the vignetting there, Kristen! :)

Kailyn has been doing pretty well.  Again, most that read this have all probably heard about the issues we've been having with her hip.  Luckily it seems to have gone away.  Also, her supposed "psoriasis" that she had underneath her diaper is completely gone.  Turns out it was some sort of fungal infection.  Doc said ring worm, but I thought that was super contagious and spreads pretty quickly.  These red patches have been under her diaper area for MONTHS now and Brian nor myself has gotten the ring worm.  Either way, I'm glad it doesn't appear to be psoriasis.  We are keeping her dermatology appointment in August just to be sure.  

Lastly I will leave you with a video of Kailyn.  She has been picking up on so much lately.  Here is a little taste of the things she knows.  Sorry it's kind of long.  Trying to show her Daddy all that she has learned. :)

Oh and we are working on getting rid of the pacifier.  Once Brian left, she became so addicted to it.  She's slowly going back to only having it for her naps and bedtime.  Which this video was taken right before bed.  I'm also trying to wean her.  So I'll probably continue to let her have her pacifier until that process is over.  I'm proud to say that she's still nursing and I'm not in a huge hurry to wean her completely just yet.  Though, I'd like to get her down to just nursing before bed.  I do want her done by two years old so we have a good three months before the new baby arrives.  If she chooses to wean before then, then that's great.  

Two years old is the recommendation now by the World Health Organization.  I feel I have to say this to some people when they look at me funny when they find out she's still nursing.  Before I had her, I thought I'd be done once she hit a year old.  I thought it'd be weird to have a toddler walk up to you asking for milk.  But it's not weird to me at all.  The only part that stinks is the awkward looks people give me and the comments they make when they find out she's still nursing.  Her pediatrician is the worst! She wanted me to quit when she was 9 months old.  It's frustrating because both Kailyn and I are great with her continuing and it's so beneficial for her.  Especially since she still seems to have an intolerance for cow milk.  Okay, that's the end of my ranting. :)  Hope you all are doing well!

Oh goodness, I almost forgot to update you all on Brian.  He is doing well and for the most part is staying busy every day.  He's making a big difference over there for a lot of his patients.  He's told me many stories of guys that have had pain for a year or more and they walk away from one session with him feeling better than they have in years!  He's doing a lot of dry needling and is liking the results from all of that.  I still won't let him try it on me again though.