Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a pretty fun Easter weekend. I had good Friday off, so we headed off to Canyon Lake for some camping. We brought Sadie with us on our trip.

When we arrived at Canyon Lake, we decided we would set up our tent right away because we've never set it up before. Probably not the best planning, but we had all of the pieces and we did finally get it up!! Here's a picture of Brian trying to figure out the directions. Don't worry, I looked just like that earlier, he just wasn't smart enough to get the camera out!!

Here's what it looks like all put together. It was a really nice tent. It has two rooms which you can seperate with a zipped divider. Sadie ended up sleeping with us inside of the tent. She was scared at first, but then she loved being in there.

We took Sadie down to the water to see if she could swim, but she was too scared to get into the water. In fact, each time a bigger wave would come in she would jump backwards. It was pretty entertaining!

We went fishing that night and Brian was able to catch a large mouth bass. It was funny watching Sadie react to the fish.

When we woke up the next morning we ate our breakfast and then packed up camp. We had to get home so we could drop Sadie off at our house and so we could get Brian to the E.R. to get his finger looked at. He sliced up his knuckle pretty good opening up a box with a knife. He ended up getting stitches. But then half an hour later they finally came back into our room and then removed them. An intern was the one taking care of him, and for some reason she wasn't aware that you cannot give stitches to someone who was cut more than 6 hours prior. So I felt pretty bad for making him go get it looked at. I think when we finally left his finger looked worse than what it did when we first arrived at the E.R.

Some more exciting news... I had an interview with the high school in Junction City. I felt like it went really well. I should be hearing back from them in about a week. Also, we have almost finalized the contract for our house in Manhattan, KS. And they should have the house framed prior to Brian getting there in just over a week. Lastly, we've had 4 house showings for our house here in San Antonio. We know that one couple is putting an application in for sure. So hopefully by the end of this week we'll have someone to move into our house here. Which means I should go start packing!!! Yikes!!


amy said...

I hope you get the job and that your house rents!

the fortenberrys said...

Looks like an awesome weekend! I'm glad you guys had so much fun but I hate Brian's hand got hurt. Hopefully I'll see you soon...which will mean soon we'll see the baby! :)