Thursday, February 17, 2011

Some more pictures!

The days seem to just fly by. Kailyn had her shots a week ago and she did a great job. Of course it wasn't fun hearing and seeing her cry from pain! At least the crying didn't last too long. Unfortunately, her naps during the day have been thrown off ever since she had her shots. But I'm happy to say that so far today she's been doing great! Maybe she's finally gotten over whatever it was that was causing her to not nap. And most of you know that a tired baby is a fussy baby!! I'm also happy to brag that she slept so well for me last night! She fell asleep around 7:15 PM. I woke her up around 9:45 to feed her and let Brian see her. Then she didn't get up again until 6:30 AM!! And she ate and went back down for another hour.

Brian's job has been very time consuming and frustrating for him lately! He's putting in really late nights and he's been attached to his Blackberry phone (army provided this so he was available 24/7)!! However, we finally have a date in which he will have his change of command ceremony. He'll be handing over his company June 17th! Then we leave for vacation a few days later and he will NOT have his Blackberry! Yay!! As for me, I'm slowing plugging away at my classes. I still have one class that I haven't finished from last semester. It's the most time consuming one. I'm hoping to have it finished by Spring Break. That's my goal at least. I'll finish this post with some pictures of Kailyn. I can never get enough of this smile!

It was 70 degrees here today. So we went for a walk in her stroller. My mom has been in town for a few days to help me with Kailyn so I can get more school work done.

I bought some leggings for her before she was born. We haven't used them as much as I thought we would. Mostly because I feel like her chunky little legs are getting the circulation cut off by them!

My grandma and grandpa came down on Valentines day to visit for the day. My grandfather hadn't met her yet because he was sick over Christmas and Kailyn was just too young at the time to be around someone that had the flu. She had a great time showing off in her Jumperoo!

1 comment:

amy said...

she does have a sweet smile!
I hope June comes fast for you guys. What will Brian do next?