Thursday, July 7, 2011

One Day at a Time

It's been twelve days since I received the phone call from my step brother, Ryan telling me the horrible news about my dad and becky's motorcycle accident. It's hard to express all the feelings I have, but I can say that it's getting easier to think of the happy memories I had with my dad. I think the hardest thing for me is thinking about all of the things he's going to miss out on with Kailyn. Even in just these twelve days she's doing new things that I wish I could pick up my phone and call him to tell him. She is a good distraction for me though. She's so happy and she makes me smile. Brian has also been amazing through all of this. I couldn't ask for anything different.

Becky is doing better, but she has another surgery scheduled for today. The doctors were hoping her bladder would fix itself but it doesn't look like that'll happen. They're not sure what or how they're going to fix it. It's hard to tell with all of the damage to her pelvis. She was told on Tuesday that the external fixators on her pelvis are going to have to stay for at least another 4 weeks. She's also non weight bearing on her left leg for at least 2 months because of her broken ankle and non weight bearing on her right leg for at least 3 months because her right hip was pretty much shattered and is "floating". Her left hand was also broken and is in a cast. She has a long road of recovery ahead of her both physically and emotionally. I can't imagine how she feels. She had to bury her first husband because of an ATV accident. No person should have to do this twice! It's just not fair!

As far as the guy that caused the accident, we're not very happy with his insurance company at this moment. They found out that my dad was a Shriner and he received a great discount on his motorcycle. So the insurance company went to the dealership to find out how much my dad actually paid for his motorcycle. They are trying to cut corners and trying to pay as little as possible. Another sad reality is the fact that my dad was in the middle of switching life insurance companies. He had all the paper work filled out, but he never made that first payment. I fear that this whole thing is going to take so long to work itself out which makes the healing process for me harder. I'm still in shock most days and question why this had to happen. It's just too sudden and too soon. I know that my dad is in heaven now and he will be watching over my family. I try to find comfort in the fact that now Brian will have one more guardian angel to look after him during his deployment which will be sometime this coming January or February.


amy said...

My heart goes out to you and your family. I'll pray for your family!

Riann said...

Kristen, I cannot imagine. I am so sorry. Thoughts and prayers for you and yours...

the fortenberrys said...

Gosh I don't even know what to say! I have been thinking about you and hoping you are doing good. Just know you are on my mind everyday! I'm really happy you have such a sweet smiley baby to hopefully keep you in good spirits.