Monday, August 15, 2011

Things Kailyn has been up to these days....

Kailyn amazes me more and more every day. She's growing up so fast and learning so much. I enjoy every minute that I'm with her. Last time I updated my blog we were down here in the basement and the next thing I knew she had gotten into a pile of papers Brian had on the floory by our desk. All she wanted to do was help him sort them I'm sure!

We got a swing hooked up under our deck. It's her new favorite thing to do. It also works great to help get her tired before naps and bedtime.

Here's a picture of her being goofy! The faces she makes cracks me up.

Lately she's been pulling herself up a lot. She still hasn't figured out that if she lets go, then she'll fall. Or maybe that's her way of getting down because she hasn't quite mastered sitting back down from the standing position.

She pretty much eats anything we're eating. Still not a huge fan of the pureed baby foods. Here she is eating some spaghetti.

She still really enjoys bath time. She pulled herself up to the tub to watch the water fill up. She was so anxious to get in! Sorry for the nudity, but she has the cutest little tush!

This weekend we went to the zoo here in Manhattan. It's not very big, but it's actually the perfect size for her. It's also great because it's shaded really well.

Lastly, if you'd like to watch a video of some new things she learned today check it out here:


David Boland said...

Good call on the black and white. I think you're allowed to post baby nudity as long as you make it black and it that "old-time, art" feel.

amy said...

Before I saw Dave's comment, I was thinking that the bath pictures were my favorite. She looks like such a happy baby Kristen!