Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Another Kailyn Update!

I'm finally done with this semester of schooling. Feels good to be finished on time so I can actually enjoy Christmas break instead of catching up on projects and finals. Brian took this entire week of from work so that has been nice. We went home last weekend for three family Christmases. It was great to see everyone (while not being sick like Thanksgiving). It was also a little hard without my Dad. But I like what a close family friend said, "he was there for every laugh, hug and tear."

Kailyn's third and fourth tooth broke through this past week. And I see two more up top trying to come through. No wonder she hasn't been sleeping very well for me at night. I'm sure most of you saw my post about her 12 month check up. She's doing great, took the shots really well, and I'm not following the advice of her pediatrician of stopping with the nursing and transitioning to cow's milk. She's 31 inches tall and 21.5 pounds. She's growing and developing wonderfully.

Kailyn does this new thing we like to call, "happy feet". She gets really excited and moves her feet up and down really fast like she's marching in place. Sometimes she spins in circles at the same time. Too cute! She still loves to take a bath. We're working on the sign for bath. She hasn't gotten it down yet, but if I say the words she runs over to the bathroom door waiting for us to open it. Then she rushes over to the tub and opens up the shower curtain. All the while trying to climb up into the tub.

I'm amazed at how fast she learns things. She can now do the sign for "more, all done, cheese, milk, book, eat, drink, and help". Help is the newest one. The real sign for help is to have a closed fist with your thumb up resting on your other palm and then lifting your first up off of your palm. I think she sees me have a fist similar to "milk" and it goes up high so she just signs milk up high over her head, usually with both hands! Here's a picture of her doing it.

Earlier today she went to go get a book from her book shelf and they were wedged in pretty good. So she signed for book and then help. It was pretty cool to see! I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas. And sorry that my Christmas cards are going out late. You'll probably receive them sometime after Christmas.

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