Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Kailyn!

I can't believe a year has already gone by. Kailyn has definitely changed our lives, but it's all for the better. I can't imagine life without her. Her personality is really starting to come through. She's very goofy and loves to laugh. You can also see how loving she is when she snuggles up to Sadie. Kailyn is also learning so much. She can sign "more", "all done", "cheese", "milk" and "book". She can point to my nose but not her own yet. She points more towards her ear when you ask her to point to her nose. She does know where her belly is though. And she loves to tickle Daddy as well as her own toes. She also loves to spin in circles and say "wheeee".

I can't believe she's gone from this:

To this:

1 comment:

amy said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I love all the pics, but the first and last are my favorites :)