Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Almost Finished!

This will probably be short and sweet.  I'm hoping to blog more once school is finished.  I'll probably do it a lot while Brian is deployed so he can see pictures and videos since he doesn't do Facebook.

I'm almost done with school.  Two more regular weeks left and then finals week.  I have two homework assignments, two major projects and two finals and I'm DONE!  FOR GOOD!  Yep, I really don't see myself going back to get a doctorate or anything of that nature.  I'm so excited to be finished but that also means Brian will be leaving shortly after that.  So I want to the time to be here but I don't.

Kailyn is doing well.  She's starting to get a little attitude and definitely knows what she wants.  She's talking so much more now and seems to be doing better with tubes in her ears.  She has 6 teeth all the way in (two on bottom & four on top) but her back molar on the bottom is almost all the way through with another little one on the bottom just breaking through up by her two front teeth.  It's definitely strange how they are deciding to come in.

She's keeping us busy and making us laugh daily.  She likes to call for Daddy in the mornings when she wakes up.  This is so sweet!  She's also really good at saying and signing "please" when she wants something.  She's even tilting her head a bit and smiling a sneaky smile.  It's so cute and SOOO hard to say no sometimes if we don't want her to have or do something she's asking please for.

She's loving her popcicle in this last picture.  It feels good on her gums. 

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